20 Orchid Garden Street, Belmopan City, Cayo Disctrict, Belize

Odwar and Rita Acevedo



About Oswal

I was not born in a Christian family, and it wasn’t until I was 18 years old, after my parents died, that I accepted Christ as my Savior. In 1998 when Word of Life came to Guatemala and to my church, I was discipled and challenge to go to the Bible Institute (BI) in Argentina. I was not sure, but God was working in my heart. During that time, I started a relationship with Rita. In March of 2001 we got married and we left our country to go to be BI in Argentina. We spent 3 years there studying the Word of God and in 2003 we returned to Guatemala.

We are so happy to see how God has challenged us in many ways. We pray for many students to be reached in Belize by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

About Rita

I was not born in a Christian family. When I was 4 years old I was invited to a VBS at a church nearby, but it wasn’t until I was 6 that I accepted Christ as my savior. There was a time during my teenage years that I lived with one foot in the world and the other in the church.In 1998, when Word of Life came to Guatemala, is when I started to be discipled and grow in my faith and became a leader in my Bible Club. During those years, I started a relationship with Odwar and we both were encouraged to study at the Word of Life at the Bible Institute in Argentina. In 2001 we got married and that same year we went to study the Bible in Argentina. Those were three amazing years of growth as a couple in the Word of God.

We returned to Guatemala in 2003 . Jael, our special first baby girl was born in 2005. In 2013, we moved to Belize with many expectations and God gave us that same year the first great blessing, our second baby girl, Sara Daniela.

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.


I have been going to this church my whole life and it is such a blessing to me! I am so blessed to be able to attend Grace and be a part of the amazing things that God is doing.

John HigginsParishioner

I found this community at a time in my life when I was really hurting. I walked in the doors, and felt like I had just come home! I was welcomed with warmth, and encouragement, and friendship.

Anna BlackTeacher

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