20 Orchid Garden Street, Belmopan City, Cayo Disctrict, Belize

    DISCOVER Word Of Life Belize

    Word of Life creates faith-defining experiences that give youths, children and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walks.

    We don’t exist without the people of God supporting us. It takes regular people just like you getting involved in our ministry for it to happen. Are you ready to join us in our mission to reach the next generation with the Gospel of Christ? 

    “It is the responsibility of every generation to reach their generation for Christ.” – Jack Wyrtzen

    Be part of the Family


    We are a ministry that relies on God’s financial blessings. It is only through the generous gifts of God’s people that we are equipped to spread the Gospel to the next generation. Our friends have faithfully supported Word of Life from day one, and we thank God for how He provides for us each year.

    Mission Opportunities

    Get involved in one of our Mission opportunities  which will give you the opportunity to connect with Belie not just to share your faith and bless others but it will also give you the opportunity to grow your faith.


    At the end of the day, our mission of reaching the next generation with the Gospel can only happen when people support us in the ministry of prayer. Our spiritual energy comes from prayer warriors in every state and country joining together to petition God on our behalf. Partner with us by committing to lift up the ministry of Word of Life in prayer. Register bellow to receive our upcoming news News Letters.

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      Word Of Life Belize

      “Be Challenged by the word of God”

      The Word Of Life Podcast is dedicated to inspire and inform faith experiences with stories, discussions, interviews and teaching to help you grow spiritually,

      Olympians ``Anclados en la Palabra de Dios
      by Olympians
      by Experience 51

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